EHA AGM input to national policy frameworks for hydrogen
The EHA invited the coordinator of the winning consortium that is putting together the guidelines for the development of the national policy frameworks that should be finalized by Member States according to the Directive on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Deployment COM2014/94 to its Annual General Meeting on June 30, 2015 in Brussels. Flavio Maragon of Appolonia consultancy presented the first findings of the survey they conducted among member states that was presented at the first meeting the day before of the EU Sustainable Transport Forum, the High Level Expert Group of Member States and key industries and networks, HyER and NEW IG are members as well, who will be advising the EU Commission on the further AF deployment until 2020. EHA chairman Ian Williamson indicated that the EHA could further support insight in national and regional developments through it 22 national member associations in addition to the industrial and regional input of rresp. NEW IG and HyER and that are important for the uptake of hydrogen in the national policy frameworks. Especially the important efforts of SME’s could be further highlighted as many are members of national fuel cell and hydrogen associations in the EHA member network. At the AGM detailed updates of German, Italian, Swedish and Hungarian national FC and H2 platform developments were presented. This will also be important information with regards to the review of the White Paper, to which consultation the EHA provided input as well. Although all EC energy is currently concentrated on keeping the main Union intact,the EHA will alo be following the Energy Union development closely a the EU Commission i coming out with a new package on July 15. A lovely holiday season from the EHA team in Brussels.